

I want to start off by saying a huge CONGRATULATIONS to you! If you are reading this it means that you are joining me on this 10-week self-love journey, and I could not be any more honored, truly, to walk this beautiful path with you. I am beyond grateful!

Week 1 is all about PHYSICAL SELF-CARE and is crucial to creating a strong foundation for the next 10 weeks. I will be the first to admit that it doesn't sound like the most exciting topic, but it is absolutely essential in learning to love ourselves more fully. If our physical bodies are not functioning properly, it's really hard to feel good about ourselves, let alone be grateful for the skin we're in. We need to maximize our natural energy to carry a high vibration and to actually FEEL how magnificent our bodies truly are! Now check out the video below (you will be redirected to YouTube), and then come right back and scroll down to explore this week's exercises. Are you ready? Grab your journal for note-taking and let's do this!


So, how was the first video for you? Did you learn something new? Important reminders? Helpful tips? Now the best advice I can give you is to go straight to the exercises below. Like right now. At least jot them down in your journal to get the process started and you can work on them throughout the day (and week). It's important to keep the momentum going!

OUR "homework" for Week 1: (Heck yes, I am doing it with you!)

  1. Create a breath practice throughout the day to start forming a habit of maintaining a strong, consistent breath pattern. Set an alarm on your phone (just a little "ding!" or maybe a short vibrate), stick a post-it note on your computer or the dashboard of your car, a reminder on the lock screen of your phone, etc. It doesn't matter what it is; just something to remind you to BREATHE!
  2. Take a short inventory of the (5) spiritual hygiene practices that I went over in the video (water, sleep, sobriety, movement and nutrition). Where are you doing great? Where could you use some improvement? Be rigorously honest for the best possible chance to make some serious progress!
  3. Set a few intentions for the week (based on your "weaker" areas or where you could step it up) and write them down somewhere highly visible. Setting intentions is great, but continuing to revisit them (morning and night at a minimum) is what makes all the difference. This could be a great start to a badass self-love vision board!
  4. Jot down notes throughout the week about any positive changes you notice in your energy, physical body and/or general state of being. This is super important to help us stay motivated and inspired!

Here are a few quick reminders/ideas for intentions:

  • WATER ~ At least half your body weight in ounces. Plant Nanny is a super fun app to help monitor your water intake. It's silly and adorable and fun to play with friends! (Post-it notes work too, of course. Haha.)
  • SLEEP ~ Aim for 7-9 hours per night. I know that might sound difficult, but many of the most successful (and busy!) people on the planet say it's a must. Oh, and science. (If you sleep less than that and it has been working for you, awesome.)
  • SOBRIETY ~ How do you FEEL about your relationship with drugs and alcohol (prescription included)? Does it feel clean and clear, or do you regularly have feelings of guilt or shame? Do you use it to numb, or for good, healthy fun?
  • MOVEMENT ~ Let go of the pressure to exercise, and just MOVE! Do something to move your body every single day (preferably an activity that brings you joy!) and forget about all the silly rules. Just move!
  • NUTRITION ~ Before you eat anything, close your eyes for 20-30 seconds and ask yourself, "How am I going to feel after I eat this? And how am I going to feel about myself after I eat this?"

Are you feeling energized already? Or do you need a nap? LOL. I know that we are covering A LOT straight out the gate, so I am giving you a little extra (written) support for this crucial Week 1 foundation. Going forward, my content will be a bit shorter, so take good video notes! :-)

Questions? Comments? Want to share a Week 1 win with me? I would love to hear from you, I am always here for you, and I am SO DANG PROUD OF YOU!

Oh, and one more thing: Give yourself constant GRACE and GRATITUDE throughout this entire journey. We are imperfect and we are allowed to mess up; the important part is that we keep coming back and continue to honor our hard work. Week 1. . . starts NOW! 

I believe in you!

XO, Jamie

P.S. If at any point you feel that you could use some additional support, don't forget that I offer one-on-one coaching sessions via Skype and phone. It would be an honor to be of service to you as you take this journey!