My Body, My Hero

  • My Body, My Hero Workshop (3-4 hours) Join me and a group of phenomenal women (or host your own and I can come to you) for an intensive workshop to get to know each other and transform the way we see ourselves and the relationships we have with our bodies. Together we will explore new ways of thinking, some very important shifts in perspective, and a few incredibly powerful tools to support us on this life-altering journey. Unconditional love is the only way to total body freedom, and together, we will take these most important first steps!

Women’s Circles

  • Circling (2-3 hours) has been one of the most meaningful and impactful tools that I’ve learned to improve the quality of my relationships across the board. Circling is an authentic relating practice—an art form even—of learning what it’s like to be in another person’s world. Imagine entering into a space where we get to candidly practice genuine curiosity to break through our assumptions and projections about each other, while uncovering our own “relational blind spots” and learning what it is like to be with us. Woah. This is a practice one must experience to fully understand, so if only just once, I encourage you to take a chance and join us for a super unique opportunity for personal growth and authentic connection!