
Welcome to Week 2: YOUR BODY AS YOUR BFF

Hey you! How was Week 1? Did you learn something new about yourself? Were you able to tweak your self-care a bit to help you feel more energized? How is your breath practice going? I've been thinking of you and sending you love this past week, and of course, practicing better self-care right along with you! And remember, even though we are moving into another new week, self-care always has to remain a priority. (And if you missed Week 1, no worries; it's still waiting for you HERE.) That said, are you ready to meet your new best friend? :-)

Week 2 is all about CREATING A RELATIONSHIP with your body. Your body has never left you, not for one single moment of your entire life; it has always been there for you—kinda like a very loyal best friend. So often we forget that simple yet profound fact, and instead we focus on everything that is wrong with our body and sometimes disconnect from it altogether. I spent 20 years hating my body (it hurts my heart to even think that now), but shifting my perspective and applying some simple tools has forever changed my life. So needless to say, I speak from intimate, personal experience and am a true testament to the power of these practices. Now, without further ado, grab your journal and let's get started!


Sooooo, do you love this topic as much as I do? :-) This week is so important, so keep up your rockstar self-care from Week 1 and dive into the homework below, and you will be well on your way to a beautiful new relationship with Y-O-U. And just like last week, at least read through all the exercises now (yes, NOW) so that you know what's ahead and can start prepping for your gratitude practice that starts TOMORROW!

OUR "homework" for Week 2: (Yes, I am still journeying with you!)

JOURNAL PROMPTS (to be done ASAP to "plant seeds" for the rest of the week): After you read each question, close your eyes, take some deep breaths, ask your heart what it wants you to know, and then freewrite!

  1. What do you believe is the purpose of your body? Why were you given a body and how is it meant to serve you while you're here on Earth?
  2. Take a moment to reflect on all that your body has allowed you to experience in this lifetime. What are some of the "little" things that your body does for you on a daily basis without you even noticing? What are some of the "bigger" things, the incredible experiences you've had in your life that were only possible because of your body?
  3. What type of movement brings you JOY? What physical activities make your body feel alive? What makes you feel really goodIf you don't yet know, write down some things that you want to explore! Wanna try a new dance class? Take your pup to the doggy beach? Kickboxing? Rock climbing? Power walking? Yoga? Get creative!
  4. What have you been doing that doesn't make you feel good about your body? What are you currently doing, movement or otherwise, that makes you feel sad, bad or insecure about your body? Is there anything you do because you think you should be doing it? What about weighing yourself; how does that make you feel? Are you holding on to clothes that no longer fit? What about accounts you're following on social media?
  5. Now based on your responses to questions 3 and 4, set a couple of manageable, non-scary intentions for yourself this week. As we are still trying to move every single day, maybe you just tweak what that looks like for you: add a fun, new activity to your normal routine, sign up for a class, take your movement outside, kick a "should" to the curb. Or maybe you toss those jeans in the trash, throw your scale out the window :-) or unfollow some people on Instagram. Big or small, intentions create change!

THIS WEEK'S DAILY GRATITUDE PRACTICE: I strongly encourage you to start this tomorrow (or today for the ambitious!) so that you can really feel the benefits by the end of the week, if not sooner!

  • MORNING: Begin each morning in front of the mirror (before the makeup goes on) and hold eye contact with yourself. You may stand up or sit comfortably on the floor or in a chair. Smile. :-) And with either words or your eyes, thank your body for showing up for you today. For the good night's sleep, for breathing in another day; whatever comes to you in the moment. Each day try to hold your gaze a little bit longer. Maybe you start thanking individual body parts (I've been known to thank my saggy boobs, just sayin'), or give yourself a giant hug; I mean, you hug your best friend, don't you? :-) Whatever you're feeling, allow yourself to fully express your gratitude in whatever way feels right for you. Always start with eye contact, and then follow your heart from there.
  • EVENING: After you wind down for the night, maybe on the couch with a cup of tea or snuggled up in bed, thank your body for everything that it did for you that day. A kick-ass day at work, a heartwarming afternoon with your family, a gorgeous hike, a new idea, a belly laugh. The list will be endless, so start anywhere. You might journal this if you enjoy writing like I do, or maybe nighttime meditation is your thing. You could even share it out loud with your partner or kids (it's never too early to teach kids to love their bodies!). Find what works for you, and do that.
  • HELPFUL TIP! To help yourself remember to do this morning and night, I find it helpful to have some consistency; for example, you could do it every morning after you brush your teeth or while your coffee is brewing, or every night after you wash your face or right when you get into bed, etc.

OK, my friend; you're all set! It may seem like a lot, but once you do the journal exercises, your main focus is the daily gratitude practice and any intentions you've set for yourself this week. And hey, I BELIEVE IN YOU. Go at your own pace, give yourself grace, and keep coming back. As always, I am here for you if and when you need me, so don't hesitate to reach out at any time. You are amazing and I love you.

Now go hang out with your new best friend!

XO, Jamie

P.S. I know that I said we would talk more about nutrition this week, but I changed my mind. :-) Apply this week's tools and keep that same practice in place from last week (pause before you eat and ask yourself how it will make you feel, and how it will make you feel about yourself), and see if you notice a shift in your food choices (you may have already). Also, our brains often confuse feelings of hunger and thirst, so drinking half your body weight in ounces is essential in preventing overeating. My relationship with food worked itself out naturally once I made self-care a priority and developed a relationship with my body (and I struggled with eating disorders for most of my life). If this is not the case for you once you really give this a shot, let me know and I will gladly offer some additional tools and support.