
Welcome to Week 3: STILLNESS & SOLITUDE

Hey there! Did you get in some solid BFF time with your body? I hope you were able to really integrate last week's topic as it was a big one. Since we can't do anything on this planet without our bodies, it's super important to stay connected and in GRATITUDE for all that they do for us on a daily basis! That said, this self-love train is gonna keep on keepin' on . . . (And just a reminder that if you missed Week 1 and/or Week 2, they are available HERE.)

Week 3 is all about HOW TO MEDITATE WITHOUT ACTUALLY FEELING LIKE YOU'RE MEDITATING. If you are like me and find meditation a bit intimidating, or you get overwhelmed with all the information out there about how to do it properly, this week's video is for you! I'm going to share how stillness and solitude have become a way of life for me, rather than begrudgingly marking meditation off my "to do" list. So grab your journal and let's get started!


How does it feel to start creating a meditation practice according to YOU? Are you excited? Feeling a little rebellious? :-) Let's do some brainstorming to prepare for a full week of daily, consistent stillness and solitude on your terms!

OUR "homework" for Week 3: (I'm still with you!)

JOURNAL PROMPTS (to be done ASAP to help you prep for the week):

  1. Close your eyes for a moment right where you are (turn off any background noise), and start breathing slowly and deeply. Give yourself at least 90 seconds; set a timer if you need to. Focus on your breath and keep coming back to your breath when your mind starts to wander. If you feel called to stay there longer, please do so, and then open your eyes when you are ready.
    • Journal immediately about your experience. What did you notice? How did it feel? Was it cozy and relaxing? Uncomfortable and awkward? Don't judge what you write; just write what's true for you. Then read what you wrote. Again, no judgment; just be an objective witness to your own experience.
  2. Now reflect on your relationship with meditation. Have you tried meditation before? If not, why not? And if so, what has or has not worked for you? What has kept you from being consistent? What have you enjoyed and not enjoyed about meditation?
  3. Take a moment now to go through a "typical" day in your mind; what could you choose to do with intention that could become a meditation? Try to write down at least a handful of options. Some ideas could include the shower, while doing your makeup, with your morning coffee, on a walk or run, commuting in silence, cooking or laundry; seriously, the list is endless. Get creative!
  4. Now based on your answers to questions 2 and 3, set some intentions for your new meditation lifestyleThis is your life with no rules; YOU get to decide what works for you. Set clear, manageable intentions and find a way to keep reminding yourself of them throughout the week. I'm sure you know by now that I am a huge fan of post-it notes and cell phone reminders, but what works for you? How will you remember to start integrating this new practice?


  • Your only "job" is to keep coming back to the present moment. When your mind wanders, which it will, just keep coming back to your breath, body and/or your senses; whatever will bring you back to this moment.
  • Note any ideas or insights that come through during your meditations. Inspiration can be fleeting, so be sure to jot down anything that comes to you in those magical moments so that you can revisit it later.
  • Music is allowed! I mentioned turning off the music a couple of times in the video, but music can be a beautiful and powerful way to meditate; just be super mindful of your music choice so that it's high vibe and calming. That said, I do believe silence is really important, so balance is aways good. :-)
  • There is NO time limit. Sometimes I will take just 90 seconds; other times 20 minutes will fly by. There is no such thing as too short or too long; just do it!
  • And do it OFTEN. The more you practice this, the easier it becomes, the more enjoyable it becomes, and the more benefits you will get! Soon enough you will find yourself doing it alllll the time, feeling more grateful, peaceful and intuitive in all areas of your life. At least that has been my experience, and that is my hope for you.

Well, there ya go! I send you off with so much love and gratitude for your commitment to this process and your commitment to YOURSELF. I look forward to connecting again next week, and as always, I am just an email away if you need me or want to say heyyyy! :-)

Big love!

XO, Jamie

P.S. I am still available for one-on-one coaching if you need additional support or want to supercharge your self-lovin'!