

Can you believe we are already in Week 5?! We are almost halfway through, my friend! Next week is a recap week and the following week we are taking a break for Thanksgiving, so let's give this week our ALL before we slow down for the holiday. What do you say? I'm in. Fo' sho'. (Have you missed any of the previous weeks? No worries; they are available here HERE.)

Week 5 is all about defining how we want to show up in the world and aligning with that vision. Are you better at DO-ing or BE-ing? Do you set goals and make lists of things you want to do, but pay less attention to how you want to BE? It might feel more natural to jot down to-do lists (send that email, call that person, run that errand) than it is setting intentions (where can I be of service today, how can I love more fully, how can I be more present in my relationship); however, both need focus in order to manifest! And to me, how you show up for your life seems pretty dang important. You feel me? Now let's get intentional!


Dang, I love this week so much! Let's not waste any time and let's start intention-ing! :-)

OUR "homework" for Week 5: (I am seriously giddy right now!)

JOURNAL PROMPTS (to be done ASAP to help you prep for the week): Please be super heart-full as you create your intentions. It's a great opportunity to connect with your inner guide (revisit Week 3!) to get these intentions from deeeep down inside your gorgeous soul!

  1. What is your BIG intention for your life? Why are you here on the planet? How do you want to be while you're here? What is your overarching intention for your life?
    • Example: To be the purest, most loving version of myself that I can be in humble service to God and His Will for my life. (Remember, yours will be unique to YOU!)
  2. What are your most cherished values? What are the values in your life that you hold most sacred, that encompass who you are, that you could not live without, that you could not be YOU without? Choose a good handful. And then DEFINE them. What do they mean to you? How will you determine if you are in alignment with these values?
    • Examples: Patience, Grace, Generosity, Faith, Honesty, Courage, Adventure, Truth, Family, Forgiveness, etc.
  3. What are some intentions that would serve you that are specific to your life as it is right now? How do you want to BE right now? What energy do you want to attract? Where are you currently struggling? What "story" do you want to recreate?
    • Examples: I will be aware of my thoughts and choose the ones I want to "water." I will look for every opportunity to be of service at work. When I feel afraid, I will see that as an opportunity to be courageous.
  4. How could it benefit your life if you started setting intentions throughout the day? How could you be more intentional with how you show up in certain situations? Imagine setting intentions all day every day! Woah.
    • Examples: I will be present and phone-free with my family during dinner tonight. I will respectfully and courageously speak my truth in the meeting today. I will not partake in any gossip with my friends tonight.

THIS WEEK'S PRACTICES: Once you have set your intentions, you'll be ready to start using them! And remember, you can edit/tweak/change them whenever you want, so try not to be a perfectionist and start with a "good enough" foundation.

  • Post your intentions where you can see them! This could be a one-pager Word document, a colorful poster board, a whole bunch of post-its or even a canvas for those who want to get super artsy! This is your time to have some fun and make it very YOU, but whatever you choose, make sure you keep it visible.
  • Start each day recommitting to your intentions. This could be with your morning coffee, when you get dressed, or even while you're flat-ironing your hair. ;-) Don't let it be another "to-do" and incorporate it into what you are already doing! Also, don't forget to practice setting some intentions throughout the day as you show up for different situations in your life.
  • Take inventory often! How are you BE-ing lately according to your intentions? Are you, as well as what you've invited into your life, in alignment with your chosen values? Where can you make some changes to get more in alignment? This is your new barometer for how you are showing up in the world! :-) And self-forgiveness is a must as you take this inventory; let grace be your intention as you revisit your intentions!

Have I mentioned I love this week?! ;-) Well, I have a new poster board waiting for me to bedazzle, so Week 5 starts NOW for me (and hopefully you, too!)! Love you tons, and as always, if you want to share your experience or need any support, I'm just an email away!

Happy intention-ing!
XO, Jamie

P.S. Just a reminder that my one-on-one coaching services are always available to you if you want some extra support on your self-love journey!