

Happy halfway mark! :-) We are officially halfway through and you are officially a badass. I'm all sorts of giddy this week, not only because we are over the halfway hump (and the final four weeks are SO GOOD), but we also have next week as a break week for Thanksgiving! I absolutely love personal development and kicking major self-love booty, but I also love to relax, celebrate . . . and eat carbs. :-) (Psssst! All previous videos are still available HERE.)

Week 6 is basically taking all of the tools that you've loved from weeks 1-5 (only the ones that worked for YOU), and creating your very own daily spiritual maintenance program to keep you feeling aligned and awesome. The video says it all, so take a look-see and let's get down to business! Week 6, we're comin' for ya!


Are you ready to get creative? This is supposed to be FUN and not a chore, so choose what feels good, what you enjoy, and what you feel works for YOU! And if you need any help, I am just an email away!

OUR "homework" for Week 6: (One more week to go and then we get to chill, baby, chill!)

JOURNAL PROMPTS (to be done ASAP to help you prep for the week): Keep in mind that we want our spiritual maintenance program to be manageable, so let's be super careful not to make a list of 100 things to do every day and set ourselves up for failure. Simple is a good thing!

  1. Go back and revisit the previous five weeks and jot down the tools/practices that have really worked for you. You don't have to re-watch the videos or anything; you can quickly scan my weekly posts HERE for easy access, or revisit your journal notes if you've taken good ones. Next, add anything to your list that we maybe didn't cover in this series, but you definitely want a part of your daily practice. I offer just some of the many tools we can use.
  2. Create your UNIQUE spiritual maintenance program. If you're Type A like me, this can be a neatly organized and color-coded outline (LOL), or you can have fun with it and make a messy vision board with lots of cutouts and glitter! Or both! Or neither! Your journal? A whiteboard? Post-its!! (OK, I'll stop with the post-its.) Do YOU; that is what's most important. But make sure it's clear enough and specific enough so that you have a way of taking that honest "inventory" I mentioned in the video. For example, "take care of my body" would be pretty hard to gauge; whereas, "some type of outdoor movement at least five days per week" would be a lot easier to assess.
  3. Now decide how you are going to be accountable to yourself. Do you like the idea of revisiting your program each evening before you go to bed? Or maybe once a week feels right for you right after your Saturday morning yoga class. There are no rules here; just some clear intention to take that inventory regularly.


  • Use your new spiritual maintenance program and accountability system! You have this week and next week (and the rest of your life!) to play with it, tweak it and start creating spiritually healthy habits. And you'll likely continue to revisit it as we finish out the final four weeks. And don't forget to stay ACCOUNTABLE to your practice and yourself, whether that's daily, weekly or whatever you choose.
  • Give yourself plenty of grace and gratitude. I talked about this a lot in the video (and in the previous weeks as well), but please, please, PLEASE practice non-negotiable self-forgiveness and always, always, ALWAYS give thanks to your sweet self for showing up . . . perfectly imperfectly.

Have a great week, my dear friend. Thank you for being on this journey with me and choosing to bring a little more light to the world! Sending big love to you this week and always . . .

XO, Jamie

P.S Want information on my one-on-one coaching services? Yay! Go HERE.