
Welcome to Week 7: COURAGE OVER FEAR

Hey there! Remember me? :-) I hope you had a wonderful holiday and a relaxing "break week!" I definitely enjoyed some down time and an opportunity to further integrate the previous weeks' tools. Remember, spiritual maintenance is ongoing (so keep those self-love practices going strong!), but we are moving on to another topic this week—and it's a BIG one. (Still need to do some catch-up? All previous videos are available HERE.)

Week 7 is our opportunity to make a very important decision: Will you let fear control you or use fear as a tool to INSPIRE YOU? I don't think that fear will ever really go away, but what is within our control is the relationship that we have with it. Fear can be a massive catalyst for personal growth and transformation if only we choose a new way to live with it. Are you ready to reclaim your power?!


Is fear a little less scary now? :-) Although I still struggle with fear on the daily, these shifts in perspective have deeply impacted my life and courage has been one of my most powerful pathways to a deeper sense of self-love.

OUR "homework" for Week 7: (I'm so happy to be back with you this week!)

JOURNAL PROMPTS (to be done ASAP to help you prep for the week):

  1. Take an inventory of the fears that have been most present for you lately. What fears are holding you back from your dreams and desires? They can be big or small and in any area(s) of your life (work, love, relationships, passions, etc.) Write down all that come to mind for you!
    • Then ask yourself these questions about each fear: 1) What are all the incredible opportunities and possibilities that could come from moving through this fear? (Close your eyes and let yourself DREAM!) 2) How would I FEEL (despite the outcome) if I didn't let fear hold me back any longer? If I finally "did the thing" that my heart truly desires? To be FREE from the fear? 3) Am I willing to let fear rob me of all this possibility? Am I willing to let fear continue to define my future?
  2. How would your life change if "failure" was neutral to you (which is your choice), and you saw it as an experiment rather than a way to define your worth? What type of impact would this shift in perspective have on your life? What would you be doing differently? One of my new favorite quotes: "If you want to increase your success rate, double your failure rate." ~ Thomas J. Watson (Love this!)


  • Choose one "fear" from your inventory (journal prompt #1) to tackle this week! Review your list, close your eyes and ask your inner guide which fear you are ready to move through. It doesn't matter which one it is; trust your heart and go with it. Set a time frame for yourself to have some accountability, and then put this week's tools into action! YOU GOT THIS!
    • Once you have "done the thing," take some time to reflect and journal about how it feels to have chosen courage over fear. How does it feel in your body? How do you feel about yourself? And if you feel called, pick another fear from your list and keep going!
    • Now treat yourself to something special to say THANK YOU for being a badass this week! Maybe you draw yourself a nice bubble bath or get a massage, buy yourself that gift you've had your eye on or treat yourself to a beautiful meal. Just make sure you honor your courage and give credit where credit is due . . . to YOU!
  • Start contemplating your courage tribe! Who in your life (friends, mentors, even online communities) is taking risks, being courageous and inspiring you on your path? Who values courage over outcome and can be part of your support team as you start being more courageous? It's so helpful to have backup when the fear starts to creep in again, so lock in your courage tribe to help keep you on track!

Alright, my friends . . . It's GO TIME! Have fun this week and kick some serious fear booty! And if you're struggling to find motivation after the holiday, just think how AMAZING you will feel starting the new year with a brand new love for your sweet self! As always, I'm here if you need me. Huge hugs and high fives as you courageously tackle Week 7!

XO, Jamie

P.S. Just a heads up that I am traveling the rest of this week and part of next, so Week 8 miiiiiight go out on Thursday. I'm aiming for Wednesday per the usual, but it's gonna be tough. Might need a little grace! XO


(Want information on my one-on-one coaching services? Yay! Go HERE.)