
Welcome to Week 8: INTEGRITY & SOUL ESTEEM

Three weeks left?! Daaaaaaamn Gina! (Am I dating myself with that one?) Anywho . . . Congrats on making it this far because now we are getting to the reeeeaaaally juicy stuff! Get ready to go deep this week and really explore how YOU feel about YOU. It's time to get real(As always, all previous videos are available HERE.)

Week 8 is all about being in integrity with the truth of who we are and relying on our soul esteem to inspire courage and keep us afloat when choosing integrity isn't easy. What does integrity mean to you? How do you know when you are in alignment with your deepest truth? This week we will explore some important questions as we start developing some serious soul esteem!


So . . . How are you feeling after watching this week's video? Are you noticing some resistance? Feeling ready to dive in? Somewhere in between? Regardless, I hope you'll commit to at least exploring this week's topic as integrity and soul esteem have been essential for my self-love journey, and I would bet my life that we can't truly love ourselves without them.

OUR "homework" for Week 8: (Set aside some solid time for this!)


  1. Where in your life are you feeling out of integrity? Look at any and all area(s) of your life and be suuuuper honest with yourself. Does anything feel a little icky or sticky? Where are you feeling unsettled or unclear? Are you carrying any guilt and/or shame? Where are you not standing up for yourself or others? Are you being a coward? How are your boundaries? Where are you compromising yourself? Whose "approval" impacts how you live your life? Let that pen go crazy with this one . . .
    • Hint: If you find yourself justifying, rationalizing, avoiding, denying, blaming or defending yourself in any way, that's probably an area to pay attention to. ;-)
  2. For each area where you're out of integrity, explore some clear, tangible actions you can take to get back into alignment. Don't let this exercise overwhelm you; we are just brainstorming here. This is just food for thought and doesn't have to happen overnight (or ever). This is for your awareness only; YOU get to CHOOSE what you do with this information!
    • Just notice: How does vulnerability and courage play into these actions? Do you see how important these muscles are?


  • Just like last week and with the help of your inner guide, choose one or more actions from your list and handle that sh*t! Create a clear plan (and maybe a goal date?) so that you set yourself up to follow through. An accountability buddy is always a great idea!
  • Feeling ambitious? Get that list out and tackle another one! Regardless, keep this exercise handy as this is your blueprint for getting back into integrity . . . whenever you're ready. :-) And ALWAYS give yourself gratitude for showing up for yourself and taking another step toward self-love!

Sending you lots of love this week as you work with this challenging topic. It can be super humbling to look in the mirror, but oh man is it ever worth it! I'm here if you need me and big virtual hugs for a radical Week 8!

XO, Jamie

P.S. How are you doing so far?! I love getting progress reports and feedback, so if you feel called, shoot me an email and say heyyyyyyy!


(Want information on my one-on-one coaching services? Yay! Go HERE.)