
Welcome to Week 9: A COMMITMENT TO FAITH

OK, so I'm gonna get super real with you right now . . . I am pretty stoked that there's only one more week after this! LOL. It has been super fun to journey with you, and also kinda brutal. Whenever I share tools and wisdom with others, it's like a GIANT mirror for me. It doesn't feel good to teach what I am not practicing, so it has been a really eye-opening journey into the areas where I still have a whole lot of room for improvement. After next week, a little time away from that "mirror" will be welcomed! ;-) That said, I am absolutely IN LOVE with this week, so I can assure you that I am still ALL IN and will be until the very end! Are you? (All previous videos are available HERE if you need 'em!)

Week 9 is what I have been working with a TON lately as it's all about having faith in our path (and I have found plenty of reasons not to the past few months!). I am finally in a place where I can appreciate the hard times as the most fertile ground for transformation, and I am so grateful today for this challenging chapter in my life as it has paved the way for my newfound faith. And I'm so excited to share it with you!


Are you ready to make a commitment to faith? To look for evidence that you are taken care of? To connect more deeply with your higher power? I am a massive YES to all three and I hope you are, too!

OUR "homework" for Week 9: (Just two more weeks left; don't quit now!)


  1. How would you assess your "commitment to faith" lately? This is not a judgment; just a quick inventory (you know how I love to take inventory!) so that you can get a really good idea as to where you're starting. Do you truly believe that life is working in your favor, or do you find yourself fearing that things might not work out for you? Are you somewhere in between?
  2. Make a list of all the evidence that you can find in your life that the Universe does in fact have your back. Are you breathing? Do you have a roof over your head? Did you land that awesome job? Find your soulmate? Have healthy kids? Meet a new friend who has made you feel less alone? Feeling inspired lately? A new great idea? I could go on and on and on, so dig deep here and leave no faith stone unturned!
    • Now say THANK YOU!! Look at your list, maybe read it over once or twice, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and say THANK YOU for these most precious gifts!
  3. What does a "higher power" mean to you? Are you willing to start building and/or strengthening this relationship? Take a few moments to write down who or what your higher power is so that you have a clear vision as we dive deeper into prayer.
  4. Are you ready to make a commitment to faith? Regardless of your inventory (journal prompt #1), are you willing to re-up today and start looking for evidence that you are divinely held and supported? As Wayne Dyer says, you have to believe it to see it. Are you ready to truly start believing?
    • Now seal the deal! If you are ready to say YES to FAITH, close your eyes and say a prayer, write a commitment statement in your journal, paint a picture; it doesn't matter. Just do something to seal the deal and give yourself an experience of saying YES! (I recently bought a ring that I wear every day as a reminder that I said yes!)


  • Look for evidence all week long that the Universe is supporting you! Make mental notes and/or journal, and then give thanks (all day long!) for the TONS of data you will find to prove this theory right! Remember, you will find whatever it is that you are looking for, so this week let's put our FAITH INTO ACTION!
  • Create some sort of prayer practice that feels right for you. Just like my strategy of meditating without actually meditating, you can pray while you're in the shower, doing laundry or during your commute to work. Just make some time to have real, authentic conversations with your higher power. Share your fears, ask for what your heart desires (and then let go of what it "should" look like!) and give thanks for the many gifts in your life.
    • TIP: Bring ALL OF YOU to these conversations, whatever that looks like in the moment. For me, the more real I am in my conversations with God, the more held I feel, the more faithful I am, and the more free I become.

I know that was A LOT, but faith is everything so I really couldn't skimp on this one! Sending you BIG LOVE as you (hopefully) make a deeper commitment to your relationship with faith . . . and therefore have the courage to live a life that let's your soul shine! LOVE YOU!

XO, Jamie

(Pssst . . . Want information on my one-on-one coaching services? Yay! Go HERE.)